What is ‘Homework Free’ ADHD Therapy?

I take a unique approach to working with ADHD.

The foundation of this work is regulation. ADHDers typically exist in the extreme top and bottom areas of the image below …

When we learn to regulate and live more in “the Flow”, things start to change.

You’ll notice improvements in:

  • Overwhelm

  • Paralysis

  • Emotional dysregulation

  • Distractibility

  • Rejection sensitive dysphoria

  • and quite frankly almost every other area

When we work on this and become regulated (it’s possible, as my clients and I have experienced) we THEN can look at what tools and strategies can help us make life easier.

If we start with calendars, timers and tools, we miss that a HUGE proportion of our symptoms come from being dysregulated in the first place.

I am so excited to share more about this philosophy with you.

Learn all of the the ins and outs of Finding your ADHD Flow in ADHD Groups or individual counselling and coaching.